
Reflection 2

I read Orwell’s list and I guess he has a point about the four reasons a person writes, but I write for the pleasure of writing. Writing letters or little stories to encouragement someone you love. This kind of writing has nothing to do with wanting to be remembered, money, and the pleasure of impact, history, or political purposes. This is to keep the people I love and care about encouraged about life. So they know they are loved whether they see me or not, just to know they are on someone’s mind.

I’m not a serious writer. I write to keep in touch. My writing is a hodge-podge of information and stories of family antics about what the family and myself included, is up to here in Hampton Roads, so family in other states can keep informed.

Orwell’s belief maybe correct for writers that want to make a name for themselves or to be remembered or to make money or make their views important to someone else. They have a motive for their writing.

According to Orwell my method of writing is aesthetic enthusiasm because I share news that I think is important to other family members. Who’s having a baby to when and where the next family reunion is to take place. If they could not attend an event I tell them all about it and send pictures so they can feel like they were a part of the event.

My mother called me the family keeper of records. That’s me keeper and communicator of family records.

Weblog 4

Writing Is About What You Experience

Content is what we live, whether it be sitting in a dorm room or a coffee shop. I think we write about what we experience, see, and do. Who is it for anyone to say it’s dull and boring.  Maybe Fish’s life is exciting and everyday there is something new to write about, but for ninety-nine percent of the populations life is a repeat of the day before. If you are some sort of an adventurer that wakes-up every day in a different place, you would have a lot of exciting thing to write about. Fish thinks one-sided because he wants what he thinks is ideal writing.

While students are already required by the academy to acknowledge the research processes involved in their writing through the inclusion of in-text and end-of-essay research sources.

To make up the constituent parts of; constitute form only a small portion of the writing “network.” The “network,” however, would seem to be composed of not only research sources, but in class peer responders, one’s teacher, one’s parents, one’s grade school and high school teachers, every book one has ever read … in other words, the network is a social-construction that is obviously too vast to include in a works cited page. The role that the network plays in shaping student writing needs to be interrogated at every turn: students not only need to engage in process oriented activities in the classroom, but they should also be encouraged to explore and question the role of both in class and out of class activities in shaping their writing. Many teachers have adopted the use of “met writing”, writing about the processes of writing as a means for students to write and think about the contexts within which their writings develop. As another form of met writing, proposes the idea of students writing acknowledgments pages, much like those found at the beginnings of published books, as a way for them to recognize peer group involvement in the production of their papers. I

This idea has been used with student portfolio introductions and to encouraged students to acknowledge those outside the class (other teachers, friends, tutors, parents, etc.) who played a role in the formation of their writing as well.


Results of a national survey – released at a session during the annual meeting of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, found that those who teach writing at community colleges have a mean of 94 students a semester. The conference, a division of the National Council of Teachers of English, has guidelines that state that no faculty member should be teaching more than 60 writing students a semester and fewer if the students have remedial or other special needs.

Composition professors say such limits are essential because good writing instruction, especially at colleges where many students may not have received adequate instruction in high school, is intensive, involving constant assignments that need to be graded promptly so students can learn from mistakes and advance.

Not only has the norm started to greatly exceed desirable levels, but significant numbers of instructors are teaching well above the mean. The survey found that more than 20 percent of writing instructors at community colleges teach between 111 and 130 students each semester. And 9 percent report teaching 131 to 150 students a semester.


I read what Bloom had to say about Rowling’s writing and I feel he just didn’t like the book because he says it mimic “Tom Brown’s School Days” by Thomas Hughes which is a classic according to Bloom. He doesn’t give any specific reasons as to why he doesn’t like Rowling’s writing. He refers to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

J.K. Rowling, herself says that she is not one on the best writers but she can tell a good story.  I have read all the books in the Harry Potter Series and I must say I loved each one. I encouraged my granddaughter to read them also. Granted Rowling got a little wordy in the last two books, they were a little hard to get started on but the entertainment factor was the same. From the first book you get to know the characters and from there on you are hooked.

Bloom did not comment on the entertainment factor of the book. He compares Rowling’s books to an all time classic like “The Wizard of Oz”. He does say they he would rather children read the Rowling’s book than read nothing at all.

The reviews of this book are as Bloom says … The writing style is poor but the book fires the imagination of the young and old alike. Most say the series is overrated but I say if it gets our children to read and want to read, it’s great. Let them critique the writing and better understand the differences between writers.

According to Bloom Rowling and Stephen King are both bad writers. Stephen King likes Rowling books and gives hope to a new generation of readers.

‘Weblog: J.K. Rowling in general’ 22/02/06

http://www. Dooyoo.co.uk/printed=books/harry-potter-series-j-k-rowling-in-general/10223

Harold Bloom: Can 35 Million buyers be Wrong? Yes.


Stephen King: The last word on Harry Potter


Reflection 1

Why I Drive

I drive because I love to feel of the wheels beneath me.

I drive because I love the sound of the tire turning on the road.

I drive because driving takes you away or to somewhere.

I drive to feel. I drive for the silence.

I drive to think.

I drive to solve problems.

I drive to plan.

I drive to seek out the unknown.

I drive to clear my mind and soul.

I drive to feel the wind in my face.

I drive to see new places.

I drive to revisit old places.

I drive because it feels good to move at great speeds.

I drive because it’s in my blood.

I drive because I can’t sleep.

I drive to listen to the voice of my dead mother.

I drive to transport things from one place to another.

I drive to see the people I love.

I drive because I’m trained to drive.

I drive skillfully.

I drive away fast from people and places that irritates me.

I drive fast to be on time.

I drive north to see the first winter’s snow.

I drive south to visit the home of Mickey Mouse.

I drive east to see the beauty of the Atlantic Ocean.

I drive west to inhale the beauty of the mountains.

I drive to satisfy my curiosity of what I can’t see.

I drive to forget what I seen.

I drive sometimes for the fear of what will happen to others.

I drive to help others have that meal to keep hunger away.

I drive to see how other drivers drive.

I drive to see the changes in the seasons.

I drive for the love of driving, the feel of the vehicle, the way the road curves, the scenery, the smell of the air, the adventure.

I drive in my mind to relax.

Weblog 2

I’ll began with the old me and let you know how and why a new me was necessary. I had to restructure my life after I found out I had an illness that would take my health to an all time low.

Let me give my illness a name. Liver disease, Primary Bilinary Cirrhosis (PBC) and kidney disease, End Stage Renal. Big words for big problems. First I was told about the liver disease, it is an auto immune disease. That means that it will eventually cause the other organs in my body to fail. I tell everyone I know and everyone that will listen to never ever take Tynoil, at will harm your liver. Alright, this is my advice to everyone, to please at least read the label on the package.  There is information there that will help you make an informative decision about taking the drug.

Let me give you the heads up about having Primary Bilinary Cirrhosis. This disease makes you itch. That’s how I found out there was a problem, I felt like I had bugs crawling under my skin, very uncomfortable.

I think as a people we hear about a drug that will relieve us of some discomfort and we take it not thinking about what it will do to our bodies later. We are just satisfied to be out of pain.

Side effects are sometimes worst than the original problem.

Since my diagnosis my kidneys have failed, my heart beat has slowed to a rate that my doctors want to put in a pacemaker, my bones are brittle, my eyes have dried out so much that I have to put drops in them every day so I can blink without pain and the word tired has an all new meaning.

I was a truck driver and pulled freight in an eighteen-wheeler for a trucking company. I did over-the-road driving. That means that I traveled the 48 states and Canada. It was an adventure that I got paid to do. My handle, call name was Secretary because I was good at the paperwork. Believe me there is more paperwork than driving. I did this for ten years. This country is absolutely beautiful if you take the time to look at it.

When you are young you never think of being ill. You take your health for granted; hey, “I’ll never be sick”…other than an occasional head cold.

When I found out I had this life altering illness I went through the “Oh why me?” syndrome. But God has always been in my life so I prayed and I prayed hard and realized that I was being given a test to my ability to show strength in the face of adversity. I was shown that life is precious whether you feel good or not. I was diagnose with this disease twelve years ago and at that time doctors told me that within five years I would need a transplant but I still has all my original parts and I’m not hook up to any machines. I’ve had my ups and downs, in and out of the hospital, but thank God I’m here.

I try to find the good in everything, with the kidney disease I can go to movies and not miss any of it because of a bathroom run.

I had to come off the road and start a new life staying in one place. The old me had to adjust. It was hard to adjust staying home at first, but the illness made me so tired and sleepy that eventually I got use to being home.

I was naturally a loaner and driving was the ideal job, but what I learned was that I needed people and people needed me. My family and friends was and is the source of my strength. Without them I would be lost.

For a while I had to depend on my family and friends for my basic needs, needs that we all take for granted. Things like help bathing, putting on my clothes and shoes and making sure I ate. They were and are there for me when I need them. You really find out how much you are loved when you are in the position that you can’t bathe yourself.

Twelve years later my life is good and I very happy with my life and the new me. I have to granddaughters,ages ten and seven, that keep me busy. I’m surrounded by the love of my family and friends and most of all the love of God.

I still struggle with these illness’ every day, but I live every day to the fullest and I will not let it get the best of me. I keep smiling, moving and enjoying life.

Weblog 1

I’ll began with the old me and let you know how and why a new me was necessary. I had to restructure my life after I found out I had an illness that would take my health to an all time low.

I was a truck driver and pulled freight in an eighteen-wheeler for a trucking company. I did over-the-road driving. That means that I traveled the 48 states and Canada. It was an adventure that I got paid to do. My handle, call name was Secretary because I was good at the paperwork.

Believe me there is more paperwork than driving. I did this for ten years. This country is absolutely beautiful if you take the time to look at it.

When you are young you never think of being ill. You take your health for granted; hey, “I’ll never be sick”…other than an occasional head cold.

When I found out I had this life altering illness I went through the “Oh why me?” syndrome. But God has always been in my life so I prayed and I prayed hard and realized that I was being given a test to my ability to show strength in the face of adversity. I was shown that life is precious whether you feel good or not.

I was diagnose with this disease twelve years ago and at that time doctors told me that within five years I would need a transplant but I still has all my original parts and I’m not hook up to any machines. I’ve had my ups and downs, in and out of the hospital, but thank God I’m here.

I had to come off the road and start a new life staying in one place. The old me had to adjust. It was hard to adjust staying home at first, but the illness made me so tired and sleepy that eventually I got use to being home.

I was naturally a loaner and driving was the ideal job, but what I learned was that I needed people and people needed me. My family and friends was and is the source of my strength. Without them I would be lost.

For a while I had to depend on my family and friends for my basic needs, needs that we all take for granted. Things like help bathing, putting on my clothes and shoes and making sure I ate. They were and are there for me when I need them. You really find out how much you are loved when you are in the position that you can’t bathe yourself.

Twelve years later my life is good and I very happy with my life and the new me. I’m surrounded by the love of my family and friends and most of all the love of God.

I still struggle with this illness every day, but I live every day to the fullest and I will not let it get the best of me. I keep smiling, moving and enjoying life.

What’s in a name?

A name is your identity; it’s who you are as a person. A name identifies your ancestry, where you come from in this world. A name is given to you at birth and from that day on that is who you are to people. My mother use to tell me that children grow into their name. For a long time I didn’t understand that statement but now I do. What she was telling me is that it’s important that you give a child a name that he or she can become.


Hi my name is Paula. You can call me Chef Paula. I’m in the field of Culinary Arts. I love to create wonderful and delicious foods. My family are my taste testers. According them I’m really good. I guess you can say my family and food are very important to me.